Crime Solutions

David SwindleDavid Swindle has been at the forefront of leading UK wide major crime investigations and conducted reviews of cold cases in the media spotlight for a number of years.

Since June 2011, he has provided independent and confidential consultancy to private and public sector organisations with his David Swindle Crime Solutions multilingual expert team.

The ‘Search for the Truth’ quotes by David in UK and Spanish TV documentaries, news bulletins and newspapers during his police career, about Operation Anagram and in his now independent role, have become a hallmark of his victim-focused approach to historical enquiries and his determination to ‘leave no stone unturned’ during investigations, irrespective of the timescales and complexities involved.

The expertise of David Swindle and his team can be applied to a vast array of issues including multilingual crime-related support for issues abroad, with experts fluent in English, German, French, Romanian, Spanish, Greek and Catalan, case research and knowledge of local cultures and processes.

If you require:

  • multilingual expert criminal investigative, review or process advice regarding a homicide, suspicious or unexplained death abroad
  • multilingual expert crime advice when you are encountering language barriers in another country
  • multilingual historical case analysis or genealogical expertise
  • multilingual expert advice regarding legal, consular and victim support processes abroad, particularly in Spain
  • multilingual expert independent review, investigation and confidential advice on any crime-related issue abroad
  • independent Her Majesty’s Coroner’s process advice
  • independent Forensic Expert Advice
  • Spanish mediation or business process advice
  • multilingual expert open source research and investigations

then our multilingual team can provide this, plus assistance and guidance to families who have very sadly lost a loved one in a foreign country due to homicide or suspicious death and are faced with confusing legal processes and updates in different languages.

Contact our multilingual team of experts on for more information.

Das mehrsprachige Team von David Swindle Crime Solutions hilft und unterstützt Familien, die im Ausland tragischerweise einen geliebten Menschen verloren haben, entweder durch Totschlag oder einen verdächtigen Mord, und die sich sonst alleine und in einer anderen Sprache durch den Dschungel verwirrender Informationen und Rechtsverfahren kämpfen müssten.

Unser Team von Experten ist gerne für Sie da 

El equipo multilingüe de David Swindle Crime Solutions puede ofrecer también asistencia y orientación a las familias que lamentablemente han perdido a un ser querido en un país extranjero, a causa de un homicidio o muerte sospechosa, y se enfrentan al desconocimiento de procesos legales diferentes en un idioma distinto.

Puede contactar con nuestro equipo multilingüe de expertos a través de

L’équipe multilingue de David Swindle Crime Solutions peut également fournir assistance et conseil aux familles qui ont malheureusement perdu un être cher par homicide ou mort suspecte dans un pays étranger, se retrouvant face à des processus juridiques spécifiques et dans une langue différente.

Vous pouvez contacter notre équipe multilingue d’experts à travers

L’equip multilingüe de David Swindle Crime Solutions pot oferir també assistència i orientació a les famílies que, lamentablement, han perdut a una persona estimada en un país estranger, a causa d’un homicidi o mort sospitosa, i s’enfronten al desconeixement de processos legals diferents en un idioma diferent.

Pot contactar amb el nostre equip multilingüe d’experts a través de

If you require:

  • independent review, investigation and confidential advice on any crime-related issue
  • a strategic crime review of your business processes
  • preliminary research and advice before reporting something to the police
  • a discreet internal investigation within your business
  • case preparation and research for civil or criminal court proceedings
  • Examination/ research of a historical issue or cold case review
  • open source research advice and investigation
  • historical research utilising the Operation Anagram ‘life timelining’ concept
  • media commentary and advice
  • independent review, investigation and confidential advice on any crime-related issue

then David Swindle Crime Solutions can provide you with all these and more.

Whatever your multilingual crime-related, investigatory or review requirements, we can assist with the highest level of strategic crime advice and independent review capability and confidentiality

No initial consultation fee. Contact us.